the eyes of sirius album cover

Fairy tales

The Eyes of Sirius

Text, music, sound design, audio production, voice - Ugnė Makselytė

Mastering - Bartoš Eiliakas

Released by IKRA 2022

The project was realized by personal funds.

Sirius's Eyes is an original fairy tale by Ugne Makselytė, written in 2020 and published in the literary collection Literaturinės slinktys. After two years author independedly created and produced the audio version of this piece.

"The sound design and music in the story was created using homemade samples, field recordings and DIY instruments. Content was found in mynthology, dreams and forests"


"Sirius's Eyes is an audio fairy tale written by Ugnė Makselytė in 2022. The story is inspired by folklore, mythology and rituals of different cultures. The most inspiration comes from the tradition of the initiation ritual in various shamanistic cultures. The creative process is also strongly shaped by the author's dreams and visions that arose during meditation and active imagination.

The tale is about Sirius, a person who lost his eyes during a dream. After becoming blind, Sirius went to the forest, hoping to regain his lost eyes with the help of the spirits of the forest. Sirius encounters a variety of forest creatures and has to overcome a number of obstacles related to spirit transformations.


Kaunas, Lithuania
Created byGiltinė